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Wilder will go straight to trial in assault case

October 28, 2013
<p>Oswald Scott Wilder</p>

Oswald Scott Wilder

The man who admitted to committing four sexual assaults in East Lansing earlier this year will go straight to trial, according to his attorney.

Oswald Scott Wilder, 26, was expected to appear for his pretrial Monday afternoon in Ingham County Circuit Court before Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. Due to scheduling conflicts, Wilder will not appear until his trial, defense attorney Paul Toman said.

The trial has not yet been scheduled.

When he was arrested in August, the Vernon, Mich. resident detailed four sexual assaults he inflicted on MSU students between March 30 and May 16 in a handwritten confession.

At his pretrial in 54-B District Court last month, Wilder was charged with one count of first degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of second degree criminal sexual conduct, one count of third degree criminal sexual conduct, two counts of assault with intention to commit sexual penetration, one count of gross indecency and three counts of unlawful imprisonment.

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