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East Lansing City Council expresses concerns about designated driver mobile app

October 22, 2013

East Lansing could look to regulate pay-for-ride companies that do not classify themselves as taxi cabs.

At the East Lansing City Council’s Tuesday work session, council members heard from East Lansing City Attorney Tom Yeadon and City Clerk Marie Wicks about concerns regarding Sobrio, a mobile application that pairs drivers and people who need rides.

The application asks, but does not require, a $2-$3 donation.

Sobrio does not classify themselves as a taxi company, which makes them immune to ordinances that would regulate the company.

East Lansing has ordinances that regulate who can operate a taxicab with background checks and other security checkpoints.

Although some members of council were concerned about the lack of regulation on the driver and potential loss of dollars for the East Lansing taxicab industry, Mayor Pro Term Nathan Triplett said he wants more information on the application before any action is taken.

“I think we need to see how the actual application works, because I’m not sure if what we’re describing is it,” he said.

Triplett said if an application exists that could potentially limit drunk driving, it would not be wise to discontinue it.

“If it’s a tool to effectively connect individuals with a ride home so they don’t drive intoxicated, it would seem foolhardy to shut it down,” he said.

Councilmember Kevin Beard said he is skeptical of the backgrounds of the drivers and the definition of what makes a taxicab company.

“It’s creative what they’ve done here … I would fear this would circumvent rules that we have in place to protect citizens from predatory people,” he said. “This looks like, smells like and acts like a taxicab business.”

Triplett said that it is hard to define what is a taxicab business and what isn’t.

“I’m trying to understand the legal distinction between this application and if a greek organization had a private Facebook page where you could advertise the fact that you needed a ride home, ” he said. “Why is that permitted if this is not?”

The council decided that more information is needed on the application before any kind of decision is made.

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