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E.L. gas station robber sentenced

June 12, 2013
	<p>Chrystal Atkins </p>

Chrystal Atkins

Flint, Mich., resident Chrystal Atkins, one of the two women charged with robbing the Admiral gas station, 1120 E. Grand River Ave., last summer was given her sentencing yesterday morning at the Veterans Memorial Courthouse, 313 W. Kalamazoo St., in Lansing. She faced charges for robbery and spraying the station clerk with Mace.

East Lansing police responded to a call at about 4:30 a.m. June 24, 2012 from the Admiral station clerk, who told the police one woman was carrying a knife and the other sprayed him with Mace.

Due to transportation difficulties, Atkins was unable to appear for her pre-sentence interview or sentencing, and her attorney, Duane Silverthorn, spoke on her behalf. He explained to Circuit Judge Jim Jamo that Atkins volunteered to have her mother take her to the Genesee County Jail, where she can wait until a sheriff from Ingham County takes her to the Ingham County Jail. She will stay in jail for one year.

Judge Jamo agreed to these terms and issued a bench warrant for her arrest.

“(This) won’t hurt her in any way because the sentencing is sort of already set,” Silverthorn said. “There’s variable sentencing where you get maybe three to 10 minimum and maximum (years), and in her particular case she has agreed to do a year in the Ingham County Jail.”

Silverthorn told Judge David Jordan during the preliminary examination that Atkins has a number of mental complications, including paranoia and bipolar disorder.

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