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McCowan denied bond in accused stabbing case

March 21, 2013


The Okemos teenager accused of allegedly stabbing nutritional sciences senior Andrew Singler to death in February will remain in jail without bond, although his lawyer suggests self-defense might be an issue in the case.

Connor McCowan, who is being held at the Ingham County Jail, was surrounded by friends and families, which included both his and Singler’s, during a motion hearing Thursday to address bond.

Chris Bergstrom, McCowan’s lawyer, said contrary to the prosecution’s claims, texts exchanged between Singler and McCowan, and Singler and his then-estranged girlfriend, McCowan’s sister, show McCowan did not intentionally go to Singler’s apartment while armed and then engage in a fight.

He asked McCowan be released with house-arrest-like conditions on 10 percent bond, which the judge later declined.

“There is a presumption that the defendant is innocent,” 55th District Court Judge Donald Allen Jr. said. “(But) it’s always safer to err on the side of caution.”

McCowan will continue to be held without bond at Ingham County Jail, although Bergstrom said the issue could be readdressed at a later time.

Bergstrom said prior to Singler’s death and McCowan’s subsequent arrest, McCowan was taking a year off school to save money for college and had been working two jobs, 40 hours a week each, and had been asked to be an assistant lacrosse coach.

A handcuffed McCowan’s eyes fell as the charges were read and he continued to look somber throughout the proceedings, while his family looked on with similar emotions.

Janis Singler, Andrew Singler’s mother, shook her head in disapproval several times during the hearing, as did those who accompanied her.

In a previous interview, Janis Singler said Andrew Singler was loved by everyone, except “obviously” for the individual that took his life. She did not name a specific person at the time.

Bergstrom said McCowan is scheduled for a preliminary examination on April 18, which will determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial.

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