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Sign of the Times

November 9, 2009

Sign of the Times is a weekly photo column focusing on the impact of Michigan’s struggling economy on the Lansing area.

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If we can educate kids … they’ll become better consumers as adults,” said advertising senior and NuUnion Credit Union marketing intern Blake Woods at NuUnion Money Super Saturday at Impression 5 Science Center, 200 Museum Drive, in Lansing.

Woods helped to organize the event, which was held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The event had 13 activities designed to teach children under the age of 12 about money. The activities included looking inside an ATM, playing games such as money bingo and learning about the history and layout of a penny.

“Kids are watching the news every day and they hear these sad stories about money and I think today is a great positive experience that has to do with money,” Woods said.

Mount Pleasant resident Lee Ann Krueger, who brought her 4-year-old daughter to the event, said she thought it was important that children learn about money.

“With money being in so many different forms today, they don’t always see the paper bills. They don’t get the concept that you have to work to earn your money. They think it’s a card, or momma opens the purse and pulls out the checkbook,” she said.

Woods said he also thinks the event was good for parents to attend.

“We have a safari club, it’s called, which is for kids 12 and under, a little savings account,” he said on Saturday.

“We’re signing kids up for that today so it’s just a good way to get kids and their parents to start thinking about saving money for their children.”

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