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E.L. Film Contest winners announced

November 10, 2009

The East Lansing Film Festival 48/5 Film Contest wrapped up Monday night after the films were screened for the public in Wells Hall.

The $100 first prize was awarded to Pyrite Productions for their film “A Moment.”

The rules for the contest were that each film could be no longer than five minutes and must have been completed within a 48-hour time frame. There were nine teams in the competition.

Each team had to incorporate a mango, a bookstore and the phrase “It’s the difference between night and day” into its film.

East Lansing Film Festival Director Susan Woods said the judges deliberated for a very long time before settling on a winner.

“(The films) were good,” Woods said. “Some weren’t as good as others, but the number one and number two were difficult to decide … it was a very small margin.”

Ace Aviation claimed the $50 second prize for “Apuppetheid.”

Third prize, $25, was awarded to Blue Left Shoelace for its entry “Trio” and an honorable mention was given for “Mango Express” by Daft Studios.

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