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Sign of the Times 10/20/09

October 19, 2009

Lansing resident Carrie Hattaway creates a diaper cake Saturday for a client. Hattaway sells the cakes, which are used as gifts and centerpieces for baby showers, to make extra spending money.

Lansing resident Carrie Hattaway turns diapers into cakes. A diaper cake is a baby shower centerpiece made entirely of usable items such as diapers, toys and clothing.

“They’re just a great centerpiece for showers and everything that’s in them is usable for the baby so there’s nothing that goes to waste,” she said.

Hattaway is trying to turn the cakes, which usually take about three to four hours to make, into extra spending money.

“I’m short on cash, I’m disabled, so any little bit helps right now,” she said.

“My husband was laid off for a year and a half. He just went back to work and anything we can do for a little bit of spending money, gas money to get back and forth to (my childrens’) football games, volleyball games,
is nice.”

Hattaway believes her craft has more potential in the current economy than others because of its utility.

“My mother makes quilts, but who has money for quilts?” she said. “This is something that people can use, it’s not overly expensive and they’re nice and they’re cute.”

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