Monday, July 1, 2024

Web exclusive: ASMSU dicusses Olin Health Center's relocation at Student Assembly meeting

September 10, 2009

Olin Health Center was a topic of debate at Thursday’s ASMSU Student Assembly meeting of the fall semester, with the group voicing concern that MSU administrators have not adequately factored student opinion into a potential move of services to the MSU Clinical Center, located on the southern edge of campus.

ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.

ASMSU spokeswoman Portia McKenzie said the group understands cuts are necessary given budget restraints the university is facing, but several factors concern ASMSU regarding Olin’s potential move.

“We want to make sure we uphold a certain standard here at MSU,” she said. “(The Clinical Center) is not up to the same standards (as Olin). Safety is an issue when you’re trying to get there. It’s not near the dorms.”

McKenzie said the group also was concerned about the number and quality of services that would move if the plans manifest, as well as potential costs associated with the move.

“We want the administration to listen to students before they start making hasty decisions,” she said.

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