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ASMSU advocates student participation in possible Olin move

September 24, 2009

Olin Health Center’s potential relocation and health initiatives for students were the topics of two bills passed Thursday by ASMSU’s Student Assembly Policy Committee.

ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.

Next, the bills will be presented to the full Student Assembly at its Oct. 1 meeting, ASMSU spokesperson Portia McKenzie said.

The first bill calls on the organization to “engage in constructive dialogue” with university officials about the fate of Olin. According to the bill, Olin is the second most utilized campus service, behind financial aid, and received about 50,000 student visits last year.

McKenzie said the bill is important because it will help ensure the university adequately factors in students’ opinions on the matter.

“These bills are necessary just to ensure that students actually have an active voice on campus when it comes to all avenues,” McKenzie said. “It is unfortunate that they’re making these changes and it’s presumed that we’re having input, but we really want them to listen to students.”

The second bill reinforces the “Good Samaritan” bill passed by ASMSU in 2008 and calls on the group to enact student health and safety initiatives on campus. The bill puts more weight behind its stance regarding medical amnesty for minors who overconsume alcohol and seek medical attention, among other health issues.

“It’s about being a good neighbor,” McKenzie said. “Everyone needs a safe walk home, everyone needs that person to call on in case of an emergency and in case of need.”

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