Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Freshman fifteen Q's

Katie Stirling

College is a whole new world for many freshmen traveling campus for the first time.

The State News sat down with one of these brave explorers to get a glimpse, in 15 questions or less, at a new face on campus and her perspective on her new frontier.

Meet Katie Stirling

1. Where are you from? I’m from Ann Arbor.

2. Where do you live? I live in East Akers.

3. What is your major? Prenursing — because I want to help people and because I’m very social.

4. What is your dream job? To be a marine biologist or a dolphin trainer at SeaWorld.

5. What do you think of the dorm cafeterias? I actually really like Akers’ dorm food. I think they have a good selection.

6. Do you prefer big cities or small towns? I’ve lived in both and I like either one, but I want to be close to a big city when I get older.

7. What is your best talent? I’m pretty good at drawing, but more doodling.

8. How do you feel about reality TV shows? They’re a guilty pleasure. A lot of them are the same show over and over again, so they get boring.

9. What is your ringtone? “Sexy Can I” because I liked it at the time and haven’t changed it since.

10. What is your preferred method of travel? As of now, I walk because I’m trying to use up the good weather. In the winter, I’ll take the bus.

11. What would you consider to be bad bus/sidewalk etiquette? On the bus, sitting on the outside of the seat or not moving over. Walking in the middle of the sidewalk, and bikers not telling you what side of the sidewalk.

12. What don’t you miss about high school? The same daily routine. I like having a different class on different days.

13. How do you feel about scooters? I think they’re helpful, but you don’t need them around here.

14. How do you feel about dorm life? I love being in the dorms. You get to meet people, there’s always stuff going on, and you know about different activities.

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