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MSU student convicted for Cedar Fest

July 7, 2008

An MSU arts and humanities sophomore who was convicted of a misdemeanor during the Cedar Fest riot was sentenced to 15 days in the Ingham County Jail Monday, according to the East Lansing Police Department.

George M. Fraser, 19, entered a plea of guilty last week on the charge of disorderly conduct for throwing a missile at a person or automobile during Cedar Fest.

Fraser was also required to pay $1,610.40 in fines, including $1,070.40 in restitution fees to the city of East Lansing.

Fraser is prohibited from enrolling into or entering any Michigan public community college or university campus for one year. He must go to school out of state or attend a private college until he can re-enroll at MSU, according to the East Lansing Police Department.

Fraser also was placed on probation for one year. He may receive a greater jail sentence if his probation is violated.

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