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GEU uses fliers to promote contract

April 14, 2008

Elvan Skerven, the parent of a prospective MSU student from New Jersey, is given a flier by Julia Smith-Heck, a representative of the Graduate Employees Union, on Monday in front of the Union. The union wants the university to raise graduate assistant wages to match the rising cost of living.

Chicago native Lin Bergeron walked through the entrance of the Union on Monday with a group of other potential students and their parents to tour the university, and was confronted by a group of graduate students holding fliers.

The students were members of the Graduate Employees Union, and the fliers detailed teaching assistants’ role on campus and their demands for a new contract with the university.

Bergeron said seeing the union having trouble getting a fair contract could lead her to favor another university where there would more interaction with professors, rather than TAs.

“This makes me favor a small, private college where the money is essentially the same because of smaller classes, more hands- on instruction, and increased office hours,” she said. “I’m a shopper, I’m shopping We’re still undecided, but this is going to have a huge impact on our decision.”

Karen Klomparens, dean of the Graduate School, declined to comment on the union’s fliers.

Julia Smith-Heck, assistant staff representative for the union, said the intent of the fliers was to get the university’s attention and inform parents about the situation facing the people teaching many of the classes taken by incoming freshman.

“It’s important incoming parents know how MSU treats its employees, what their priorities are, and the quality of education they want,” Smith-Heck said.

Not all parents felt the action was effective, however. Floyd East, a parent on the tour, said campus visits might not be the best time to engage parents on the issue.

“People are probably a little distracted with their kids going to college,” East said.

The union has used the fliers with prospective students and their parents for two weeks and will continue every Monday and Friday. In addition to raising awareness, the union hopes that parents will contact MSU Provost Kim Wilcox or MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon and ask about the contract situation.

It may be a direct approach, but it’s one that needs to be taken, said Brent Barker, a union steward for the Physics and Astronomy Department.

“It seems like we have to go to some slightly more extreme measures to get the university to listen to us,” Barker said.

“It’s a good way to inform parents of the situation here, that (their children) might not be getting the highest quality education they could get.”

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