It’s becoming more and more clear that sexual escapades are an underlying current in American politics. Democrats and Republicans alike have felt the sting of having a hand caught in the cookie jar — at least I hope that’s where it was. From allegations and denials by former President Bill Clinton, to former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer (as well as his replacement), to our very own “Hip-Hop Mayor” Kwame Kilpatrick, the list reads as a virtual who’s who of men who have fallen down the steps of personal and professional responsibility.
Half a century ago, the press wouldn’t have paid a second thought to these kinds of scandals, but this is not half a century ago. The modern world is sustained by technology, and conveniences such as cell phones, text messaging and the Internet are becoming mediums to commit immoral and illegal crimes. It is because of these mediums that the men mentioned above have been caught.