Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Working out too often can be unhealthy

February 25, 2008

Dennis Martell

Dr. D.,

My roommates call me a gym rat. I work out every day and spend an hour and a half to two hours at the gym. I really don’t care what they think. What does bother me is when something comes up and I have to take a day off from working out, I don’t feel right. I get tense and antsy. I don’t like feeling like this. Exercise is supposed to be healthy, right? Any thoughts?

Dear gym rat,

I need to know if you are in training for something, like maybe the Olympic trials.

If not, then I would ask if there’s a reason you work out so often. The question is geared at helping you become aware of any possible reasons for your indulgence in a behavior that seems to border on compulsive.

Most fitness experts recommend exercising three to four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes.

Most experts also would agree exercising beyond 3,500 calories per week can lead to decreased physical benefits.

What concerned me most was that you feel irritable when you can’t work out.

Your question, “Isn’t exercise supposed to be healthy” needs to be answered by asking, “When does dedication turn into an unhealthy obsession?” Some people might use the word addiction or compulsion to describe this scenario.

It is no longer exercise at that point but becomes something more tied to our being, our self-esteem.

Signs of exercise compulsion include: taking time from other activities such as work, socializing and school to exercise, feeling guilty and irritable when you can’t exercise, not allowing yourself time off from exercising, exercising alone so as not to disrupt your routine and exercising solely to control weight, shape and body size.

If you can relate to some of these behaviors or feel this may describe why you exercise, then maybe it’s time to consider what you’re doing might not be healthy.

The MSU Counseling Center and Olin Health Center have people who can help.

Peace, love dove.

— Dr. D

Dennis Martell, Ph.D., is a coordinator of Olin Health Education and writes a weekly health column for The State News. E-mail him your questions at

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