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Charge against football player dropped

February 21, 2008

The unarmed robbery charge against former MSU linebacker SirDarean Adams has been dropped because of a lack of evidence. Adams still faces one charge of misdemeanor assault.

“There was no evidence to indicate he had anything to do with any robbery,” said Hugh Clarke Jr., Adams’ attorney.

Adams was charged in October for the April robbery of MSU senior Robert Copeland outside L & L Food Center, 6075 N. Hagadorn Road.

Adams’ pretrial hearing is scheduled for March 4 at Mason’s 55th District Court.

Sophomore cornerback Jeremy Ware and former sophomore cornerback-wide receiver T.J. Williams have been charged with one count of unarmed robbery in connection with the case.

Their pretrial hearings are set for Feb. 26.

Williams also has been charged with one count of assault and battery.

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