Monday, September 23, 2024

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Poor decisions by drinkers not city's responsibility

I was appalled to read Jon Erickson’s column E.L. developments enable drunken driving offenses (SN 1/22). Although he so thoughtfully mentions at the end of his article that he “is in no way supporting or excusing drunken driving,” that seems to be exactly what he’s doing. Living farther from the bars is no excuse to drive drunk, period.

The city is not responsible for making housing available close enough for students to stumble home from the bars. Erickson seemed to have no concern for students living farther away from campus and having trouble getting to classes where there is virtually no place for sober drivers to park. His concern is that people now have to drive to the bar, pay $10 for parking in a structure or flat lot and then drive home drunk.

How dare the city force this on innocent students, especially when it has no public transportation, like a bus that runs right from the busiest bar corner to all the apartments down Chandler Road or a Big Daddy Taxi ride that will drop you directly at your door for $3. There is no excuse for drunken driving.

Molly Fisher

graduate student in the College of Veterinary Medicine

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