Monday, September 23, 2024

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Ron Paul a worthy leader, not a racist candidate

Eric Gregory’s column last week, Paul supporters deserve better (SN 1/17), falls into the trap of the media smear campaign against Ron Paul. During the period when these controversial, racist editorials were written in his newsletter, Paul was practicing medicine fulltime and did not edit the newsletter under his name. They were written by staff members who were not subject to oversight by Paul.

The NAACP president has come forth to wholeheartedly refute the allegations of Paul being a racist. Paul is the anti-racist. When a bill was being presented in Congress to buy Rosa Parks a medal from taxpayers’ money, Paul voted no. He stated that Rosa Parks surely deserved the medal and placed a $100 bill on the table to offer his own money for the cause. He encouraged others in Congress to do the same, rather than spend taxpayers’ money. Not one of them followed his lead. Like Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., Paul embraces the message of freedom.

Please do not believe Gregory’s false disparagement without looking into these allegations. Paul seeks freedom for all Americans, and he really can save this country. I could never ask for a better leader.

Dan Blazo

political theory and constitutional democracy senior

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