Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Current programs stomp on Founding Fathers' freedoms

I recently came across a graphic on the Internet that has a picture of classic Uncle Sam and a few lines of text that read: “I want you to wake up. To wake others up. To know you are free. To think for yourself. To protect your rights. And to resist against tyranny.”

This made me think of what I learned in grade school — about how awesome and dedicated the founders of this country were, how much passion they had for freedom and how much they gave so we could experience liberty.

Our founders resisted a small import tax on tea with what is now known as the Boston Tea Party — arguably the start of the Revolutionary War. If these people saw what was going on today in America, they would almost surely start some type of resistance against the power of our federal government.

Since when does the government of a free people have the right to moderate what they watch on TV or listen to on the radio (Federal Communications Commission), tell the citizens what food or pills they can digest (Food and Drug Administration), demand a detailed account of their records (U.S. Census Bureau), take away up to half of the fruits of their labor (Internal Revenue Service), set school curriculum and take away a parent’s influence (Department of Education), carry out warrantless wire taps and spying (USA Patriot Act) or imprison people for committing a victimless crime (Drug Enforcement Administration)?

The saddest part of this is it appears to be only the beginning. How many politicians are now advocating regulating the Internet? We even have people who want to force me to purchase health care not only for myself, but also for others. What has happened to personal responsibility and individuality?

Unfortunately, I have come to a depressing conclusion. As we all know, with great freedom comes great responsibility, and it appears the American people want neither freedom nor responsibility. They want the American government to fix all their problems for them at any cost, whether it requires their dollars or personal liberties.

Remember our founders and how they’d react to this lack of freedom. Everything our ancestors fought for is coming to an abrupt end. It is our duty as future leaders of America to help restore these liberties that were so cherished at one point in our history. Hopefully I have at least awakened a few people to know they are free, to think for themselves, to protect their rights and to resist tyranny.

Eric Awerbuch

philosophy sophomore

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