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Sen. Clinton best candidate choice for 2008 presidency

In response to Eric Gregory’s recent column, Principles of the middle ground (SN 11/15), I can say that I support Hillary Clinton as a more progressive Democrat. Contrary to popular belief, and as pointed out by Gregory, Clinton is the most moderate candidate on the Democratic ballot.

There are two stereotypes conservatives have used against Clinton for the past 15 years: She is a polarizing progressive who will alienate most of the country, and she compromises her principles to appease the public. Neither of these stereotypes are true. Democrats, independents and moderates will come to support Clinton because she can reveal who she really is as a candidate in this long campaign cycle. She has dedicated her life to working in public service, she has policy experience, and she has demonstrated an ability to reach compromise with even the most devout conservatives. This isn’t to say Clinton isn’t progressive — it instead demonstrates her intelligence and experience in politics.

I am choosing to vote for her in 2008 because she has remained true to her moderate Democratic beliefs in the sense that she has not allowed more progressive members of the party to sway her more to the left and instead makes her decisions based upon a New Democrat approach. Since I am a more liberal Democrat, Clinton is more moderate on the political spectrum than me. However, the reason I am voting for her is because we need a leader in this country to unite instead of polarize. Clinton has proven to do this in the state of New York, and I know she will do the same when she becomes president.

Emily Castle

social relations and policy junior and chairwoman of MSU Students for Hillary Clinton

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