Friday, June 28, 2024

Board of Trustees OKs $1.8M renovation of Old College Field

November 4, 2007

With revenue sports facilities receiving makeovers recently, MSU administrators made sure to not leave out other athletics programs.

The Board of Trustees voted at its October meeting to proceed with a $1.8 million project to renovate Old College Field.

The area, which includes soccer, baseball and softball facilities, is expected to create a more unified collegiate complex intended to heighten the athletic experience for players, coaches and visitors, according to the board recommendation.

“This is the first site of athletic competition on the campus of Michigan State University,” said Greg Ianni, associate athletics director for facilities and sports management. “When we did the baseball field last year and dug this up, we actually found the old track. This is a very historic site.”

Ianni said the project will incorporate the history into the renovations, the second phase of work for the site. The Old College Field Master Plan was originally passed in June 2006 to include a welcoming public entry, baseball and softball hitting and pitching facilities and an accessible washroom and concession stand.

“This is a collection of all sorts of projects in that area,” said Fred Poston, vice president for finance and operations.

Specifically, the project will include renovation and realignment of soccer practice and game fields, realignment of the softball facilities, an addition of a new soccer grandstand and new walkways and fencing.

“What we’re trying to do with this whole project is tie back the architecture to a circle and make it a park-like setting because it’s as pretty a place in intercollegiate athletics,” Ianni said.

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon said the funding for the soccer and baseball facilities was provided for by private donations, while the realignment of the softball facilities was a university initiative.

“This is one of those projects that we had originally hoped there’d be a major anchor donor so some of the amenities could have been through the major gift and we’ve yet to get that gift,” Simon said. “We’ve got some pieces of the project and because each project can be separately identified, we’ve decided to do the pieces against that master plan. Each piece is a part of the master plan.”

The Old College Field Master Plan original cost estimate was $8 million – $10 million.

Some trustees recommended additional facilities, such as a playground area.

“It’s more than just students that come to these games,” Trustee Colleen McNamara said. “Families use these facilities.”

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