Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Simon participates in conference on U.S., China relations

October 24, 2007

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon participated in a conference this week in Washington D.C. hosted by former President George Bush and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges to discuss relations between the U.S. and China with other education administrators and officials.

“It was great,” Simon said. “There was a special section of this that was a forum on higher education. It was an invited set of participants with the representatives of nine Chinese universities and 10 U.S. universities spending the day together talking about a wide variety of issues.”

Speakers included members of President George W. Bush’s cabinet and Chinese officials from the China Education Association for International Exchange.

Simon said she was a facilitator for a panel on models for university partnerships for the public and private sector, in which a small group of representatives discussed issues to gain a better understanding of how Chinese and American universities approach the same issues.

The conference will allow MSU to further its already “long history in China,” Simon said.

“We have some ideas of programs that these Chinese institutions are interested in,” she said. “We have ways of tapping resources in China for research partnerships as well as a way we can better support our own students who want to study in China.”

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