Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Sparty introduction video does not do justice for team

What is this trash video that introduces our football team to the field on game days? Honestly, it is horrible. For some strange reason the introduction was changed this year to feature a Sparty who can not only jump over Spartan Stadium, but can shoot a laser out of his sword? What are we trying to pull here? A Spartan warrior is known for many things’ his exceptional strength and battle tactics and even more so for being able to kick some butt. Nowhere in his repertoire is listed a 160-foot vertical or a laser shooting sword. Bring back the old intro. The one that actually gave me goosebumps and got me excited for a football game was the one where the Spartan statue broke out of his pivotal spot on campus and slashed the opponent with his sword. Don’t try and give Sparty alien-like powers. Give me the old introduction — the Sparty he’s supposed to be and the goosebumps I remember.

Christopher Schoonover

interdisicplinary studies in social science and education senior

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