Thursday, March 6, 2025

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U.S. has resources available to help end genocide in Darfur

How can we make a difference in Sudan? This question has sparked much debate in the news of late. Some believe the only way is through deploying troops. However, that is not the case. The U.S. can help end the genocide in Darfur at little cost and no loss of life.

Divestment is the first step. Much of the world — the U.S. included — divested to end apartheid in South Africa in the 1990s, so we can divest from Sudan to end the genocide. The Sudanese government makes most of its money from oil revenues, which the people don’t see a penny of, by pressuring foreign oil conglomerates that are involved in Sudan to put pressure on the government. To get the oil companies to do this, they must be engaged by their shareholders, such as fund managers and even individual people. If they don’t change their practices, we as concerned citizens will take our money other places.

This strategy has worked already. Schlumberger, a French oil company, stopped supporting the genocide and is now building hospitals and schools in Darfur. It carried virtually no cost for the investors, as there are plenty of more profitable companies out there to invest in, and it made a difference on the ground. There were no lives lost, either.

Stand up and support divestment legislation. It is the first step, and a significant one, that can help a lot of people at little cost.

Tom Choske

president of Spartans for Richardson

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