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Gov. Granholm endorses Clinton

October 22, 2007

On Friday, Gov. Jennifer Granholm announced her endorsement of presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY. Few were surprised by Granholm’s decision.

“Gov. Granholm goes a long way back with Hillary Clinton,” said Charles Atkin, an MSU specialist in campaign issues. “They’ve had a strong relationship for a number of years so it’s probably not a surprise she would endorse her.”

Clinton campaigned for Granholm in Michigan when she was running for re-election, said Chandra Allard, political science senior and communications director for MSU Democrats.

“They have strong ties toward each other’s agendas, so it’s not really a surprise,” Allard said. “Jennifer Granholm being the first woman governor in Michigan would have a kinship with someone running as the first woman president.”

Clinton has pledged not to campaign in Michigan. Unlike other candidates, however, Clinton chose to remain on the ballot.

“The issue is who is best to win in November and Gov. Granholm and Lt. Gov. Cherry believe Sen. Clinton is the best one to be able to win in November,” said Chris DeWitt, spokesman for Granholm.

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