The editorial East Village project dragging on for too long (SN 9/4) included a number of misperceptions and misunderstandings about the East Village project. This project was conceived jointly by East Lansing and MSU, and we both are very committed to providing improved living opportunities within this new project for everyone. It will include graduate students, those seeking owner-occupied options and undergraduate students seeking to live, work and play in what is sure to become one of the most exciting attractions this region has seen.
There is a misperception that the East Village project will mean a reduction in student housing in this area. In reality, student housing will be the largest housing component in the project. The collaborative goal of the city and university is to create a picturesque gateway to the East Lansing-MSU community with a balanced mix of student and owner-occupied housing opportunities, while protecting students’ need for affordable rental property within close proximity to campus. Currently there are an estimated 692 rental units in the Cedar Village area. With the construction of East Village, The Pierce Company estimates there will be 1,085 units for students. This is an increase of close to 400 rental units. According to The Pierce Company, these units will be priced competitively at market rates comparable to other student housing projects in close proximity to campus.