Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Concealed weapons permits allow for safe environment

Do gun grabbers just live in some fantasy world where nobody is out to commit rape, steal your property or even murder you and others? Gun-free zones and gun bans have done nothing but empower criminals who will possess firearms anywhere, regardless of the law. Why would a criminal with intent to murder be discouraged to terrorize a place that is deemed a gun-free zone when all that means is that law-abiding citizens will be unarmed?

Look at the violent crime rates in Washington, D.C. Although guns are banned, it routinely ranks around the highest in violent crime and gun crime. Delaware State University recently experienced a gun shooting. What is stopping or even discouraging something like this at MSU? How many more people will be raped, maimed or murdered because they are not allowed to exercise their most fundamental right of self-defense?

Concealed pistol license holders are among the most responsible, law-abiding citizens around. There is no reason to strip them of their rights just to appease people living in a fantasy world. Besides, you never know when one of us might be there to save your life.

Brett Mellin

international relations and political theory and constitutional democracy senior

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