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Atheist column inaccurate, no facts backing up godless view

I was highly affronted by John Bice’s column Jesus is not returning (SN 9/4). I found Bice’s reference to Christianity as “silly” and “puerile” highly offensive and his need to do so very unprofessional. Such cheap shots at Christianity only undermine Bice’s credibility as a columnist.

This column is very uninformed. Bice is guilty of the crime which he ascribes to Christians: namely cafeteria-style factual analysis, or picking and choosing what facts to present. His analysis does not represent the beliefs of the majority of Christians, and his column only cites obscure sects of the religion to prove his point.

He neglects to mention, however, that Pope Benedict XVI believes global warming and care for water resources are matters of critical importance. Christians, Mr. Bice, are stewards of God’s earth, and, as such, feel the need to protect what He gave them.

Mr. Bice, I will not let you use Christianity as a convenient scapegoat because some of your beliefs are not on our country’s political agenda.

Marla Kalmbach

international relations and theater sophomore

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