In his column, Western culture worth the fight, (SN 9/12) Nate Sherman presents an argument that is completely and utterly flawed. It ignores hundreds of years of Christian oppression and fascism, and it assumes that if we returned back to “Christendom,” our country will revive its morality and cultural greatness. Not to burst Sherman’s bubble, but Christianity is most certainly not the answer to our problems. It already failed in the Dark Ages: There were religious wars, genocides and all sorts of deplorable, immoral acts and, yet, a return to this is supposed to help? What sheer nonsense!
What truly is the foundation for western civilization is the Greeks’ and Romans’ earlier forms of democracy upon which our founding fathers drew inspiration. After the fall of Rome – the ancient Republic that we inherited both our alphabet and government from – Christianity took over and brutally suppressed any belief that didn’t fit into their Messianic hegemony. After the secularization of the Age of Enlightenment, they’ve been trying to get power ever since.