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ASMSU official: Arraignment shouldn't hurt member's seat

September 9, 2007

Innocent until proven guilty.

That’s the common sentiment among three ASMSU representatives regarding Nigel Scarlett’s arraignment last month on one count of aggravated assault.

Scarlett is ASMSU’s Student Assembly vice chairperson for external affairs.

Scarlett is scheduled for a Sept. 19 pretrial hearing.

Michael Leahy, Student Assembly chairperson, said Scarlett’s reputation does not reflect the charge against the student government representative.

“Nigel’s a good guy, and I’ve had very positive working relations with him,” Leahy said. “I’d be very surprised if he was guilty of something like that.”

Scarlett was arraigned Aug. 31 at the 54-B District Court in East Lansing for a July 5 incident.

According to a police report, Scarlett allegedly punched a 26-year-old several times following an argument over a piece of trash, leaving the victim with a wound that appeared to require stitches to his chin.

Scarlett left the scene but was arrested later that morning, according to the police report. He was given a preliminary breath test that registered his blood alcohol level at 0.10 percent, the report said.

Scarlett told the responding officer that the victim pushed him first and came up swinging after being pushed in retaliation, the report stated.

Leahy said it’s important to keep in mind that an arraignment is not the same as a conviction in this case.

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty,” he said.

Nathaniel Giddings, chairperson of the policy committee, said Scarlett’s arraignment should not have any impact on whether Scarlett maintains his position at ASMSU.

“It doesn’t influence his job duties,” Giddings said. “It has no bearing on how he does his job.

“Nigel’s done everything he can do to be a great representative.”

Giddings cited Scarlett’s efforts toward improving the ASMSU-sponsored, alcohol-free tailgate at the tennis courts across from East Wilson Hall as an example of his success as a representative.

ASMSU Association Director Kara Spencer said the court proceedings against Scarlett will reveal whether or not the accusations should affect his position in the organization.

“I think the key word here is ‘accused.’ None of us know what’s going to come out in court,” Spencer said.

In the event that Scarlett is found guilty of the crime, Leahy said it’s up to the Student Assembly to take action.

“If he is proven guilty, if the assembly decides they need to take action on that, then the assembly will do so,” Leahy said.

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Matthew Caramagno, Academic Assembly vice chairperson for external affairs, and Roger Ludy, former Student Assembly chairperson and University Committee on Student Affairs representative, declined comment Sunday afternoon.

Juan Carlos Elizalde, Student Assembly vice chairperson for internal affairs, also declined to comment, saying he was unaware of the case.


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