Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Presidential candidates inaccurately depicted

I would like to write today in regards to the cartoon printed in Wednesday’s edition of The State News, relating to the ‘reservations’ some seem to have with Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their bid for the presidency. The portrayal of Obama as a weak child and of Clinton as enraged and manly was offensive, and takes away credibility from those who do have legitimate concerns with their leadership ability. Although Sen. Obama could be viewed as inexperienced, it is wrong to characterize him as weak. While Sen. Clinton does appear to many as too much of a ‘Washington insider,’ the gender jokes should be reserved for a more appropriate venue, such as the halls of a local middle school.

The cartoon also continues to demonstrate the unwillingness of The State News to cover the other candidates in the presidential roundup. The Republicans are virtually nonexistent in coverage, and solid Democrats such as Bill Richardson or John Edwards seem wholly discounted.

If you are going cover politics, cover them equally and fairly. Do not hop onto one train of thought and ride it to the detriment of those more legitimate. As an influential publication with a large readership, you have the duty to be fair to your readers, and provide them with content that caters to the college intellect, rather than the guttermindedness of teenagers.

Tom Choske
international relations and German senior

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