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The MSU vote

If you watched the gubernatorial debates, you may still be wondering why you did. We didnt learn much about Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm or Republican challenger Dick DeVos from them. How about you? Do you have anything specific you still want answered from the candidates? Send your questions to and we might ask them along with ours. In the meantime, here's a sampling of voters caught on campus Monday afternoon who were asked if they're voting for Granholm or Devos.

Aaron Ford

Villa Pizza and Sparty's employee, International Center

"Anybody but Granholm because she's raising the minimum wage and she's not looking at the consequences."

Tom Pigozzi

Linguistics LCC freshman

"Granholm. I agree more with Democrats' economic standpoint."

Evan Treharne

Education senior

"Granholm. Dick DeVos is big into vouchers, and I am against them."

Colleen Myles

Kinesiology junior

"DeVos because I think he is a good candidate."

Lauren Spencer

Social relations sophomore who is running for a seat on the MSU Board of Trustees

"I feel that it is important to elect liberal leaders and pro-choice candidates. Granholm has a public service record."

Adam Gordon

Business pre-law sophomore

"Granholm is cutting down on kids getting MIPs. She hasn't been productive. It's time to let someone else have a turn."

Sharisse Thompson

Journalism senior

"Granholm. I feel like Jennifer Granholm really has the people's interest at heart."

Brian Moore

Economics second-year graduate student

"DeVos because of free trade."

Jennifer Kupiec

Marketing freshman

"Dick DeVos. I'm a Republican person. Granholm doesn't do things she promises."

Shri Kakulavarapu

Zoology and physiology sophomore

"I don't have a preference. I haven't been following it."

Ojas Parikh

No preference freshman

"If I did vote, I would vote for DeVos. Granholm has been here for four years, and she hasn't done much."

Jamie Scott

Business management junior

"Granholm. She is more worried about keeping jobs in Michigan. I feel like if DeVos is put in office, jobs will be outsourced and union jobs will go down the drain."

Samantha MacIntosh

Premedical freshman

"Granholm is the only person I've heard much about. I don't know the other side."

Bryan Robb

Interdisciplinary studies in social science senior

"Granholm. I don't really trust the opponent being who he is, heading Amway."

Marcella Richardson

Public administration and public policy senior

"Granholm. Her platform focuses more on urban areas in Detroit."

Sara Schimpke

Psychology freshman

"DeVos. I think we need a change."

Erin Leslie

Zoology junior

"Granholm. I've just heard some bad things about DeVos."

Erica Phillipich

Family and community services senior

"Granholm. She is the lesser of two evils, but what really made up my mind was her stance on human rights."

Lucas Fratta

Mechanical engineering freshman

"Granholm has been doing a good job lately. She still has my vote."


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