Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Cleaner CATA makes better city

You might see new buses on campus this fall, and they're nothing like what you're used to. The Capitol Area Transportation Authority, or CATA, recently bought three diesel, hybrid electric buses, which will be incorporated into regular routes starting Aug. 21.

Provided by General Motors Corp., or GM, the new class of diesel hybrids is operating in several cities across the United States, including Philadelphia and Houston. Besides working toward a healthier and cleaner environment, these hybrid buses have the ability to save millions of gallons of fuel annually, according to GM.

CATA is setting a precedent for drivers across the nation. Hybrid vehicles are a reliable source of transportation that save money and cause less harm to the environment. Although the cost of each new bus is $508,900, each vehicle's ability to save 250 gallons of fuel a month will more than make up for the cost. Mass transportation is better for the environment when considering the number of CATA riders who would be driving their own cars otherwise. But mass transportation made environmentally friendly is even better.

Beyond buses, all drivers should take the hybrid option into account. As gas prices steadily rise and global warming becomes less of a concept and more of a threatening reality, switching to hybrid forms of transportation offers numerous benefits.

Consider this: The Internal Revenue Service lumps hybrid vehicles into a category of vehicles that qualifies for certain government-funded incentives. Owners of hybrid vehicles bought after Dec. 31, 2005, are eligible for a federal income tax credit.

Mass transportation is vital for any thriving city. In East Lansing, where parking is minimal, the presence of CATA throughout campus and beyond is more than noticeable. Every day you can find people lining up around bus stops, especially during the school year.

Beyond MSU, CATA is available to local areas, from downtown Lansing to Mason and Holt. Because CATA covers so much ground, incorporating hybrid buses into its regular assortment of transportation will have a lasting effect on the community. CATA's new buses promise a better fuel economy and will reduce certain emissions up to 90 percent according to GM's Web site

Three new and improved CATA buses are a start to lowering environmental damage, but hopefully this is just the beginning, and more diesel, hybrid, electric buses will be introduced in the future.


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