Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Musical chairs

ASMSU given authority over which students chair academic committees; officials now challenged to find willing people

ASMSU has been given the power to choose student representatives for academic committees.

Now MSU's undergraduate student government needs to make sure they're using that power to increase student involvement on those committees.

The MSU Board of Trustees approved the measure on April 13 to let ASMSU choose representatives to the committees, which are part of the Academic Governance system, instead of faculty.

Both members and non-members of ASMSU can sit on those seats.

The academic committees, such as the University Committee on Curriculum, help make decisions on things like what classes stay and go. Academic Governance is an integral part of the university.

It seems like an obvious thing to give members of ASMSU the power to choose students for these seats. ASMSU members know which students would be best suited for the committees and should also be better at picking students who aren't members of ASMSU to sit on these committees.

Members of ASMSU know what concerns students have better than faculty members and having students chosen by other students makes the committees more legitimate.

It also helps to ensure that student concerns are actually being addressed on committees made up of faculty.

ASMSU now must make sure it finds qualified students to sit on these committees.

It's no secret ASMSU struggles to fill representative seats every semester. They need to make sure filling the spots on each committee is a priority. The academic committees are part of decisions on important issues like what majors stay and go.

That's why it's important students are chosen for those committees that are responsible and willing to attend the meetings and be engaged.

The students chosen to sit on the academic committees also need to make sure they are talking to students and making their concerns known to other members of Academic Governance.

If ASMSU chooses responsible student candidates for each committee, then the Academic Governance system will be more accessible to students and will involve more students in the process.

Students will have a stronger voice.

ASMSU has the power, they need to use it wisely.


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