Monday, January 13, 2025

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Affirmative action promotes inequality

In response to Josh Jarman's column, "MCRI promises equality for all, but proposal won't eliminate racism" (SN 4/04), on the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, I feel compelled to point out a few things.

To begin, Jarman's piece starts off by saying that the problem with the language of the MCRI is that it "disregards centuries of abuse and discrimination against people of color and other minorities by an entrenched white establishment." I see. So we should make amends by discriminating against whites? Two wrongs ultimately make everything right, I guess.

Secondly, Jarman makes the comment, "The concept that (white students) have inherited an undeserved reward for being born white in a white-dominated society comes too close to white guilt."

Cool Josh, so let's make everything equal by giving the people of color affirmative action. That way when they are born, they too have inherited an undeserved reward for being born black, Latino or any other discriminated-against minority. Once again, two wrongs ultimately make everything right, I guess.

Don't misinterpret my statements here; I am totally for universal equality in America. The reason I am against the MCRI is because I am totally for universal equality in America. You simply cannot fight discrimination with more discrimination, and anyone who thinks otherwise is either complacent or lazy.

Nathan Calverley
history junior


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