Thursday, September 26, 2024

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People should know issues behind tactics

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: making you think.

PETA obviously has achieved one of its goals, that is to encourage people to think and in turn express their opinions.

Whether you agree with PETA or not, its shock tactics evoke people to either defend what they believe or open up to new avenues of thinking.

Perhaps you weren't aware that by consuming the milk of another species, people inadvertently accept the following: Humans have evolved or were designed to never be weaned from a mother's milk or the milk of another species. The use of hormones to compel the milk provider to produce up to 10 times the amount of milk necessary for her own baby, is tolerable and it is acceptable for human adults to take food designed for baby humans or animals when other choices abound (VegNews, 2006).

You don't have to agree with PETA's tactics, but do take the time to educate yourself and think about your daily food consumption. If you took more time to research your iPod before purchasing it than you do about the daily food that graces your taste buds, it's time for some changes.

Scared of PETA? Check out Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (

Magen Kuzma
retailing senior


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