Monday, January 13, 2025

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Anatomy commonly referenced everywhere

I actually laughed out loud when I read Katie Wilcox's letter, "Silence 'Monologues;' keep indecency out" (SN 2/24), informing us how indecent "The Vagina Monologues" were. I looked twice at the date on the paper just to make sure.

Welcome to the 21st century.

After a century of penis jokes in various media, I think it's about time that women get their turn to make light of formerly taboo subjects, considering the amount of trouble the fairer sex has seen thanks to their anatomical bits.

By the way, have you made complaints to the Human Physiology department or the schools of Human or Osteopathic Medicine yet?

They depict all sorts of naughty parts in their daily lessons and actually talk about touching them! That's indecent if nothing else. I am sure you are getting to it.

I would also like to blame Wilcox for the way the arts are being depreciated in this country.

Holy vulvas, Batman! Is that a vagina being depicted? Give me a break.

Breasts equal Satan. Thousands of dead foreigners on prime time equal wholesome entertainment.

If this country would actually figure out that there are much worse things wrong with our culture besides indecency, we might make a step in the right direction.

In the meantime, I am going out to buy the latest Playboy and send my girlfriend's OB/GYN a thank you card.

Brock Elsesser
telecommunication, information
studies and media graduate student


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