Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Word on the street

In light of Tuesday's special primary for the state Senate seat, we hit the streets to find why you think students are so apathetic about voting.

"I don't think students choose not to vote. Either we don't know about it, or, if the election benefited or concerned students more, we would be more engaged."

Philecia Humes
kinesiology sophomore

"Students just don't know about it. Now is when we, as students, should really be getting involved in politics, but we just don't hear about things. If I had known earlier, I would've been all about it."

Pierre Hill
accounting senior, Davenport College

"I'm registered in Royal Oak, so I'm not really involved in politics here. A lot of people feel that voting has no power; only the people that count the votes have power."

David Duane
mechanical engineering freshman

"I saw a voting precinct at the church across the street from my house, but otherwise I would have no idea there was even an election today. A lot of students aren't registered here because they're from out of town or think it's a hassle. This particular election wasn't very well publicized. You're not being hit over the head with campaign ads, and so you only know about it if you're very politically engaged and most students aren't."

Erin Biebuyck
history and social relations junior


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