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Educate sex

Putting warnings on condom packages is a noble idea; STDs should be taught in class

Let's face it: Sex is an issue that is relevant to college students.

Sexually transmitted diseases are major concerns, and most college students know — or should know — they are out there.

However, some people are unaware of how dangerous they are and what they need to do to protect themselves. This needs to change.

The Food and Drug Administration wants to add warnings to condoms so people know they are not effective in preventing all forms of STDs. While this is a noble concept, it might not do much to protect the general population.

Realistically, most people aren't likely to read the label on their condom when they are preparing to have sex. This is hardly the best time to make people aware that a condom might not be entirely effective.

A condom doesn't cover everything, and many STDs are transmitted by skin contact, such as herpes or human papilloma virus. Condoms might be effective in preventing pregnancy, but people should be aware of their shortcomings.

Instead, there needs to be a concerted effort by schools to teach people about safe sex. A condom doesn't guarantee you won't contract a disease.

Admittedly, this isn't a topic most people want to spend a lot of time thinking about. This might be why STDs sometimes receive only a perfunctory explanation in health classes. Just knowing they are out there isn't going to help people protect themselves.

Abstinence is clearly the best way to protect yourself from the dangers of STDs, and this is the option many people choose. However, those who choose to be sexually active need to have as much information as possible.

Sex is a part of life, and unfortunately in today's world, STDs are a part of sex.

Everything possible should be done to make sure people are fully aware of the risks and can take the necessary steps to protect themselves, even if the conversation is a difficult one to have.

Discussing STDs might not be a pleasant thing to do, but talking about them is a lot more pleasant than waking up with one.


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