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Driven research

Alternative fuels research best way for auto industry to create future jobs in Michigan

The auto industry has been struggling and job opportunities seem to be disappearing for college graduates.

It seems odd that as the major automakers hit the brakes, MSU has created a partnership for a new $10 million auto lab on campus. The 29,000-square-foot project is going to be used to research new, more efficient engines and alternative fuel sources.

But alternative fuel research and training students is the industry's last hope.

It seems to be a huge risk for General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co., Consumers Energy, MSU's provost office, the College of Engineering and other individuals donating to the project.

General Motors alone is currently cutting about 30,000 jobs and costs by $7 billion.

In light of this, the new facility is a pricey risk, but it's worth taking for the future of the industry. If the Energy & Automotive Research Laboratories lead to breakthrough research, benefits would come to both MSU and the auto industry.

Students shouldn't be lulled into a false sense of job security, but the auto lab seems to be the only way for the industry to grow at this point.

What worked for automakers in the past obviously isn't working now. Looking deeper into new technologies is a way to promote the future of a primary player in the Michigan job market.

The automakers need to look ahead, and this lab is one way of doing so. If new positions are created through this lab, it helps everyone involved.

Then the auto industry might see growth for the first time in years by keeping jobs in Michigan.

It's part of the solution to a shrinking job market in the state's economy. With so many jobs leaving the state and the country, it's good to see companies trying to promote job growth here.

The university will gain more prestige in yet another field, while promoting new technology in a stagnant industry. It's just one more thing the university is doing to stay ahead of competing institutions.

Students will gain experience in a new field while being at the cusp of evolution for car manufacturers. It provides a boost to the economy of this country and the state itself, which could use some job growth, especially in the auto sector.

The potential benefits extend outside of MSU and the carmakers, as well.

It's a huge benefit to be looking deeper into alternative fuels and more efficient engine design, especially with fuel costs constantly rising and fears of gas shortages. It's important for the state to show its commitment to technology, alongside the auto industry.

Ultimately, the investment car manufacturers are making in the future of their industry can only be a benefit to both the industry and MSU.


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