Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Bye, design

Intelligent design shouldn't be taught as fact, students need opportunity to learn all ideas

Evolution. It's a widely accepted scientific theory, based on scientific facts.

Intelligent design. It's a widely held belief based on faith in an intelligent agent that guide the Earth and human development.

A controversy has swept the country about whether or not intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution in science classes.

It shouldn't be, but it shouldn't be ignored either.

Evolution, originally proposed by Charles Darwin, is accepted by scientists around the world as an explanation for how species have changed through time into what they are today.

It is accepted as a theory by many Christian religions, who believe God created the universe but makes use of natural evolution processes that allowed the world to take shape.

Intelligent design claims evolution is false and the universe and everything in it was guided directly by a higher being who ordered the world in its own way. It is not based on scientific experimentation or fact.

Intelligent design has no place being taught as scientific fact alongside the theory of evolution in science classrooms.

It should, however, be acknowledged as a belief held by many people throughout the world. To completely ignore the existence of this belief would only hurt students.

Students have a right to know there are a large number of people who believe this is true and there is a large controversy surrounding the issue.

The issue came to the forefront Tuesday in Dover, Pa., when voters replaced all eight members of the school board because of their decision to incorporate intelligent design into the school's science curriculum.

This is democracy at work. The citizens of the community decided they did not want an unproved belief taught to students, so they did something about it.

Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding intelligent design is not likely to be resolved anytime soon. It's impossible to conduct any experiment that could either prove or disprove it. Regardless of scientific findings, those who believe in intelligent design will most likely always do so.

It would seem easy to simply disregard intelligent design because it can't be tested through scientific methods.

Unfortunately, unlike their subject, science classes can't exist in a vacuum. Students will bring their own beliefs to the classroom and will ask questions. It would be irresponsible not to acknowledge a theory that is held by many and is the cause of a large national debate.

It might not be based on scientific fact and it might not be provable, but that does not mean we should pretend that the theory of intelligent design does not exist.


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