Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Quiet time

MSU to blame for noise created off campus, residents should just wait for cold weather

Every fall, the tension between residents and students rises as students move back to campus to resume the activity they do best: Party.

This year the tension is even greater, as the rise in noise complaints filed with the East Lansing Police Department shows.

The problem started in 2004 when MSU administrators made a decision to ban drinking games at the tennis courts on game days.

The ban came after an MSU game against Notre Dame - the last warm-weather rivalry game of the year. The game days that followed took place in cold weather against teams that casual fans wouldn't have been tailgating for anyway. Is it any surprise that the ban on drinking games didn't cause an immediate rise in noise violations?

Students either moved their game day festivities off campus or stopped tailgating altogether. The number of students congregating at the tennis courts dwindled, as the ban on drinking games seemed to have been successful in curbing out-of-control student behavior. At least, on campus.

So this year, with 80-degree Saturday afternoons and big-name rivals such as the University of Michigan coming to town, noise complaints in East Lansing have increased.

The complaints were coming; the administration was just lucky with their timing last year.

The MSU administration had to know the decision to ban drinking games would eventually create tension between the campus and city. They essentially said, "It's no longer in our backyard, so it's not our problem." Out of sight, out of mind.

However, rather than blaming the MSU administration or the city of East Lansing, students and permanent residents should try to resolve their differences on their own.

Permanent residents can take solace in knowing that there are only three home football games left on the schedule. The games are either against weak opponents or will take place in chilly weather, when only the die-hards are willing to play outdoor drinking games anyway.

Things are going to calm down, just give it time. As for students: You know that house next door with a picket fence and a flower garden in the backyard? Permanent residents live there. Show some respect.

Next time you and your friends are planning a big bash, knock on the door and let them know what's coming. And don't let your guests stumble over the fence drunk during your party and pee on their daffodils.


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