Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Yeah, we took it there

September 28, 2005
Number 1

Wanna show how much you hate Michigan? Say it loud and proud with some of the following items:

1. If you've got one - or maybe one of your friends has it - dig out that throwback "Muck Fichigan" tee for Saturday's game. Vintage tees are in, so it'll be all the more better.

2. From Ned's Book Store, 135 E. Grand River Ave., check out this green tee with white lettering. Front: "Beat Michigan" Back: "And the dumb lookin' varmint they brought with 'em. Varmint: an animal regarded as undesirable, like that of a rat or wolverine!" $16.99

3. From Campus Den, located in the Meridian Mall, look for a white T-shirt. On the front: Michigan vs. MSU When Worlds Collide, $9.99. Also, look for a Green Smack Apparel T-shirt with white lettering. On the front: Lose Carbs, Eat Wolverine! Back: Lose Carbs, Eat Wolverine! Remember, It's Atkins Friendly! $17.99

4. T-shirts from Surf for a shirt with "Peace, Love, Hate Michigan" on the front. It's green with white lettering. $19.99

Warning: People who want to print and sell items like T-shirts need a vendor's license. And, you need permission to use the official licensed University of Michigan or MSU logos.


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