There was a car-bike accident at the entrance to Glenmoor Road off of Grand River Avenue on Monday night."I heard a crunch," said Jonathan Becks, an Alma College student who called 911. "I looked over and saw the man totally fly from his bike."Becks said he thought the man on the bike had a backpack and that the vehicle, a Saturn L200, was making a right turn into the road which is in front of Glenmoor Condominium Association."There was a fast car and a really fast bike," Becks said. "I think nobody was really looking."Police at the scene would not comment, saying only the man had been taken to a hospital. MSU police officers were able to help out an East Lansing home invasion investigation when they ran across two 20-year-old men outside Van Hoosen Hall early Sunday morning.One of the subjects matched the description of a participant in an earlier fight, and when the officers approached, they discovered that the subjects had property reported stolen - a laptop computer and a woman's wallet.The police report has been forwarded to the Ingham County Prosecutor's Office for review. Phillips Hall took a beating between Friday and Saturday when an unknown suspect caused $490 worth of damage. According to an MSU police report, a wooden bunk-bed ladder was thrown at a window in the cafeteria shattering it. The surface of a pool table was cut, as was the center net to a Ping-Pong table and a stairwell window screen. A receipt from a bookstore and $11 dollars were stolen from the wallet of a female Case Hall resident on Sunday. According to an MSU police report, the resident had left her key in the door and her door open when she entered her room. When she later turned to retrieve her keys, she saw they were gone, as was her wallet and cell phone. The wallet and phone were later recovered, but the money and receipt are still missing.
Police briefs 08/30/05
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