Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Welcome home

Area religious organizations right in inclusion of LBGT members, but further change needed

In today's world, everything is being updated constantly. From computers to the Food Guide Pyramid, the progressive attitude of the 21st century is evident throughout the world. However, there's one aspect of the world which has not updated at the same rate as the rest - religion.

Say what you will, but in a world where robots are completing human tasks, cell phones can act as video cameras and women have the right to vote, religion is still stuck in the Dark Ages.

There are a few religious establishments right here in East Lansing, however that are starting to catch a ride on the progression train.

Nine spiritual groups and congregations in the city are working to welcome members of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community. And we're all for it. Religion should be a welcoming, spiritual experience which is supportive of the human race and promotes the beauty of diversity.

The argument, of course, is that many people have interpreted the Bible, as well as other religious texts from various religions, as though it discriminates against homosexuality. As far as we're concerned, that interpretation could be the complete opposite of the book's actual meaning.

The point is, members of the LBGT community can be just as spiritual as those who are not. Many of them grew up with religion, and upon coming out, they fear they will no longer be accepted by their religion. But in 2005, and especially in such a tolerant atmosphere as a college town, there is a demand for acceptance and welcoming of people from all walks of life. This should not stop with the LBGT community.

Religion needs to be updated like everything else. Nonprogressive people - those who continue to support any type of discrimination - are fighting a losing battle. It's up to younger generations to initiate change. To the spiritual members of the LBGT community and the religious establishments who welcome them, it might not seem as though the world is changing fast enough. But remember, the progressive actions you take today will help ensure better lives and less discrimination in the future.


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