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11th sexual assault reported

October 15, 2004

It is the 11th sexual assault on campus this semester.

Information about the case has not been released because the investigation is still developing, Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said, adding police have identified a suspect.

"We are being very thorough," McGlothian-Taylor said. "We don't want to jump to any conclusions, we just want to do a thorough investigation."

According to the MSU police blotter, an arrest was made in the case. The MSU police sergeant on duty Thursday night could not be reached for comment.

An e-mail with the subject line "Important Safety Information" was sent to West Circle residents Thursday afternoon by Angela Brown, director of University Housing, and Paul Goldblatt, director of the Department of Residence Life.

Goldblatt said the message was sent to only West Circle residents because it was a localized incident and they were following the guidelines in the e-mail sent Tuesday to the university by Vice President of Student Affairs Lee June and MSU police Chief Jim Dunlap.

The e-mail told residents that a sexual assault was reported to MSU police Wednesday morning and that the victim and alleged assailant knew each other. The e-mail also recommended students follow the safety tips outlined in previous e-mails.

"The message Dr. June sent Tuesday talked about notifying residents of the halls affected," Goldblatt said. "We felt there was a need for West Circle residents to know because it happened within their community, where it is geographically close and where there are strong community relations."

Calls to Mayo Hall complex staff were not returned Thursday.

West Circle residents said they appreciate the communication.

"It's nice to know something happened," said Kristin Koehl, an animal science and preveterinary medicine senior who lives in Mayo Hall. "It's scary it's happened so many times."

No-preference freshman and Yakeley Hall resident Katie Smith said she appreciated that a message was sent out.

"In the e-mail (from June), it says MSU is still safe, but it keeps happening," Smith said. "It makes me kind of paranoid.

Goldblatt said building-wide meetings about sexual assault and safety were planned for Thursday night around campus.

"We don't know it all," Goldblatt said. "We are hoping that residents will bring up issues we haven't thought of. We want to work with students in this."

The last sexual assault reported on campus was an acquaintance assault in Holden Hall reported Monday.

McGlothian-Taylor said this assault does not appear to be connected to any others.

Reacting to rapes

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If you believe you have been assaulted or raped, do not shower or dispose of clothing, because they might be evidence.

Here are some places to turn for help:

• For assaults in progress, call 911

• MSU Sexual Assault Program 24-hour crisis line (517) 372-6666

• MSU Police Department, call (517) 355-2221 and say you want to privately make a sexual assault complaint

• East Lansing Police Department (517) 351-4220

• The Listening Ear (517) 337-1717

• Olin Health Center Information Nurse (517) 353-5558

• MSU Safe Place (517) 372-5572

• MSU Women's Resource Center (517) 353-1635

• The MSU Police Sexual Assault Response Guarantee states an officer will visit you anywhere if you don't feel comfortable coming into the station


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