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Women need to take responsibility

December 1, 2003

This is in response to Maria Raviele's letter "Abortion isn't easy decision for women" (SN 11/18).

It is refreshing to see that the abortion supporting argument recognizes the "mental anguish" women go through when they decide to have an abortion. Of course they feel guilt when entering an abortion clinic. Ending a human life is always wrong.

Raviele hopes that she will "never have to make such a choice," but her stance forces pregnant women into abortion clinics every day. A human life has come to be valued only when it is convenient. Being a pregnant teen is no more acceptable than it was three decades ago, and that is why abortion is the easy way out.

If women would face their mistakes and value the human life they have created, our society as a whole would prosper. So let's stop allowing women to make the wrong choice. Abortion stops a beating heart. It devalues life and causes women to live with the pain and anguish of the decision they have made.

Molly Pappas
James Madison freshman


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