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Green blood

Competition with Penn State allows students, public to help good cause, show school spirit

Donating blood doesn't take a lot of time out of your life, but it might add a significant amount of time to someone else's life.

The 10th annual blood drive competition between MSU and Pennsylvania State University is now in full swing.

The two Big Ten universities both participate in the American Red Cross blood drive to see who can collect the most blood before the MSU-Penn State football game on Nov. 22.

The blood-donation competition is building up a healthy rivalry between the two schools before the game, as well as building up the American Red Cross blood bank. Only 5 percent of the population donates blood, but nearly everyone, 97 percent, will need blood by the age of 75.

It would be nice to beat Penn State on the football field and in the blood drive. The minor inconvenience of allowing a needle to be stuck in your arm has major benefits. It is always good to beat another Big Ten school, but it's even better to save someone's life.

Last year, the universities collectively gathered 3,684 pints of blood, a record for the challenge. MSU narrowly was beaten by Penn State. This year, the American Red Cross hopes to collect 1,990 pints of blood from MSU students.

The blood drive is open to the public, as well as to students. Alumni and friends have a chance to get into the competition and show that they still bleed green and care about preserving lives.

There are 25 more chances to give blood before the game. There are many locations right on campus to donate blood such as Shaw Hall, Olin Health Center, IM Sports-West and Mason and Abbot halls.

If you are squeamish about donating blood, just give it a chance. Looking the other way is always an option, and free food and drink is handed out once it's all over.

If giving blood absolutely is not an option, encourage someone else to go. After all, it's for a good cause and our Spartan pride.


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