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LBGT groups to hold fair

Drag performances, open-mic poetry and music will mark the annual Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender and Ally Resource Fair at MSU.

A dozen campus groups are sponsoring the state wide fair and solidarity slam Today.

"It's a chance to welcome new students and returning students, and in general to let out the idea that MSU is a safe campus for LGBT and straight-ally students," said Nat Furrow, the director of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender and Ally Alliance.

The fair begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Union Parlor rooms with a reception and buffet.

The welcome address and solidarity slam starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Union Gold room.

It's the second year the fair will include more than just MSU resources.

"We expanded the resources available to students because we acknowledge a lot of people are not going to be content with just the resources available on campus," said TJ Jourian, alliance external vice chair.

Interim President and Provost Lou Anna Simon and Vice President for Student Affairs Lee June will give a welcome speech to visitors and introduce the event.

"Students can hear the administrative side of what's going on on campus," Furrow said.

"It's a good opportunity not only to find out about LGBT resources but resources for people of color, women and people with disabilities."

Furrow, a social relations junior, said the increased participation of campus groups shows the connections of student issues. The co-sponsors include the Multicultural Center, Women's Resource Center and the LBGT faculty.

"The fair shows the success of a larger student movement to recognize how oppression intersects," she said.

"Marginalized groups are more effective when they're joined together."

The slam, which includes several forms of entertainment, was added to the fair last year.

"We wanted to add an entertainment portion, but we wanted it to be student-driven," Jourian said.

Melinda Haus, president of the Council of Students with Disabilities, said she expects attendance numbers to be in the hundreds.

"Anyone who is curious can learn about the services available to LBGT students," she said.

"It will connect them with different resources and inform students of jobs that are LBGT friendly."

Meeting new people who identify with one another and building a sense of community at MSU and other areas are the main goals for sponsoring an event like the resource fair, Haus said.

"It shows students they have a place to go and help them form a better understanding of LBGT issues," she said.

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Staff writer Benita Mehta contributed to this report.


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