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Police briefs 08/30/01

l A shoulder bag containing $170 and credit cards was taken from a room in East Holden Hall Tuesday afternoon, said MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor.A 17-year-old female student left her room about 3:30 p.m. with the bag next to her desk. When she returned at 5 p.m., the bag was gone. The room was locked, but the bathroom leading to her room was not. The girl’s suitemates say nobody entered the room who could have taken the bag. There are no signs of forced entry.There are no suspects, but the investigation will continue.l An amplifier, subwoofer, speakers and 45 compact discs valued at $1,275 were taken from a car parked in Lot 83, Sgt. McGlothian-Taylor said. The car was parked in the lot at 10 a.m. July 19. The report was made Wednesday. The window of the car had been punched-in and the items removed when the car’s owner, a male MSU student, returned. Damage to the car was $50. There are no suspects and no investigative leads.

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