Saturday, July 27, 2024

MSU to celebrate 150th anniversary with Freshman photography contest

August 27, 2001
Pre-Nursing freshman Jean Timacdog, right, takes a picture of Lansing Community College student Craig Peters, left, and marketing sophomore Annette Wooley Sunday at Ned’s Bookstore, 135 E. Grand River Ave.

The freshman class is getting snap-happy this week.

As this year’s freshman class will graduate in 2005 - the university’s 150th year - the department of Libraries, Computing and Technology gave each incoming freshman a disposable camera to capture their first moments at MSU.

“These pictures will literally be a snapshot of the class that will mark (the 150th) benchmark of the university,” said Don Straney, assistant to the provost for faculty development. “I can’t wait to see what the freshmen tell us about Michigan State.”

It is hoped that students will take pictures during their first week of classes and hand in their pictures. As an added incentive, the university has created a contest.

“The first week of class was an interesting time to have them take pictures,” Straney said. “That way the rest of us can hopefully see the university through their new eyes.”

Jemabelle Timacdog, a pre-nursing freshman said she is looking forward to entering the contest.

“This should be a really fun experience for the freshmen,” she said. “I’m not doing it just to win the contest.”

The new freshmen are being invited to compete both as individuals and as residence hall floors in separate contests to document what things are like for them in their first year as MSU students, said Paul Hunt, vice provost for Libraries, Computing and Technology.

Prizes include $300 in cash awards, gift certificates to the MSU Computer Store, as well as trophies and floor dinners for halls that win as a team. Hunt said he hopes students enter their pictures for more than just prizes, however.

“We are also asking entrants to be able to put their photos into the university archives making them a permanent history of the university,” he said. “We hope many students enter the contest.”

While Jason Johnson, an engineering freshman, agrees it will be fun to take pictures, he has no plans to enter the contest.

“I most likely will use the camera to take pictures,” he said. “It was a really good idea of the university to have a contest, especially for those interested in photography.

“Photos are a great way to express ideas.”

Beth Rzendzian, a no-preference freshman, plans on taking pictures this week. If she takes enough pictures, she said she will enter the contest.

“It is very interesting that (the university) actually made a contest for us to take pictures and put them in a profile to put together our first week,” she said. “We can always have the pictures to see our progress through the years.”


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